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Hey There

Community Outreach

We have various opportunities through the year for outreach into our community.  We love the people of Collingdale and want to keep showing them the love of Jesus Christ.  Outreach is a burden and a desire of our church so that more may come to know the love of God, and sense the servant hearted spirit of our church body.  

Ministry in Church

If you have a heart for serving, we have a spot for you!  Serving in our local body does require that you be a member, so be sure to speak with one of the pastors about that if you are not already a member.  


There are opportunities to serve in children's ministries, such as teaching Sunday School or Children's Church on Sundays, working in the baby and toddler nurseries, assisting with the Wednesday Night GPKids Ministry and various opportunities through the year. 


If you are wanting to work with adults, there are opportunities for teaching, being part of a Bible study, discipling or being discipled, visitation, participating in our monthly prayer walks to keep our community in prayer, and more.  

We have a team of people who participate in visitation to shut-ins, those are in the hospital, or unable to make it out to church for some reason.  If you wish to be part of this special team of people, contact the church office to see how you can assist in this vital ministry of hospitality. 



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Cleaning Ministry

Looking for a way to give back to the church? Consider helping clean the church! We rely on the support of our dedicated volunteers to keep our space looking its best. If you're interested in joining this ministry, please reach out and we'll find a way to plug you in.

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